todo marruecos tours

Visitas Guiadas Privadas Por Marrakech

4 Hours

Descripción general

Descubra los palacios floridos y los innumerables monumentos de Marrakech durante una visita guiada de 3 horas y descubra la historia de la ciudad ocre del Reino de Marruecos. Admira una de las mezquitas más grandes del mundo musulmán occidental, visita los jardines del Palacio de la Bahía, explora la antigua medina de Marrakech y sus increíbles zocos, …


Día 1 :
Day ½:

At 9:00 am, after breakfast, our tour will begin so that you can get to know and fall in love with Marrakech.
Marrakech was founded in 1062, has numerous monuments that are World Heritage Sites and is one of the four imperial cities of Morocco, along with Meknes, Fez and Rabat. It is a city of contrasts. Its bustling streets and labyrinthine souks (traditional markets) contrast with the calm of its Riads and the tranquility of its gardens. We will start our tour of Marrakech with a local guide who will take you to discover the secrets of the second oldest city in Morocco.
The Koutubia Mosque: The minaret of this famous Mosque is the great Symbol of Marrakech. It is also the tallest building in the city, and can be seen from various points in this Capital.
Jamaa el Fnaa Square: is the main square of the city, here you can find everything: street restaurants, cafes with chic terraces, games/juice stalls, henna tattoo artists, snake charmers, musicians, dance and much more.
The Bahia Palace: built in the late 19th century, with the intention of being the largest palace of all time.
The Saadian Tombs: There are 3 mausoleums and here is buried the family of the Saadi dynasty that reigned in the late 16th century.
We will also enter the Medina and walk through the labyrinthine streets that form the famous souk of Marrakech.
In the afternoon you will have free time. The tour ends at 4:00 pm.
If you wish, you have the option of optionally dining at the famous restaurant "Chez Alí" with performances by different Moroccan folk groups.

3Visitas Guiadas Privadas Por Marrakech

Esta incluido :

  • Recogida y regreso al hotel.
  • Un recorrido guiado por la ciudad con un guía oficial.
  • Agua embotellada.
  • Calidad de servicio

No está incluido :

  • Comida.
  • Las bebidas.
  • Consejos
  • Tasas a monumentos históricos.
  • Gastos personales.

Puede enviar su consulta a través del siguiente formulario.

Visitas Guiadas Privadas Por Marrakech
En €45
/ Adult
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Este sitio web está dedicado a cualquiera que quiera descubrir el desierto de Marruecos, la historia de nuestra tierra, también para quienes deseen experimentar los contrastes de sus ciudades llenas de color, aromas y exotismo.
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